As a scar massage therapist, I often get asked what the best things to use on your scars are.
I recommend Alhydran cream as it’s the best on the market and specifically designed for scars. It helps to moisturise the area and act as a barrier which helps healing. Circulation is poor around scars so it’s best to avoid anything with harsh chemicals in and this has been formulated with more natural ingredients so it won’t irritate the area. Alhydran has been clinically proven to have great results for scars so that’s why I recommend it.
It’s best to avoid things with chemicals in such as bio-oil and baby oil. Completely avoid Vaseline as it has harsh chemicals in and could irritate the area making it worse. If you want a more basic and widely available oil Rosehip oil is shown to have some of the better results for scars if you are just using an oil not a specialised cream. Using something is often better than nothing though, so even coconut oil just to help as a moisturiser is better if that’s all you have.
It’s also a good idea to use silicon strips. They protect the area, act as firm barrier and stop it drying out too much. They also take tension off the area which helps avoid adhesions forming so it very useful for healing and reducing the long-term impact of a scar. BAP scar care and Scarban make some of the better silicon strip products. These can be cleaned and reused too so they last a long time.
You can also use silicon gel. This keeps the area from drying out for much longer than moisturisers or oils do, which helps to avoid irritation and speeds up healing. I tend to recommend a combination of Alhydran and silicon strips but if you just want one thing silicon gel can be a good idea.
Check out the price list below for more pricing – £5 post delivery, free delivery over £40 or if you pick it up at an appointment and 10% discount for clients and previous clients. Get in touch at jo-medhurst@live.co.uk or 07973 186288 to order.
What else can I do to help my scars?
For more information on helping scars have a look at how scar massage can help here. It gives amazing results fast and is a non-invasive technique. Treatment can start as soon as the scab has fallen off.
Vitamin E and Zinc are really good for scar and tissue healing. They help with skin elasticity, faster healing, cell growth and cell protection. With plenty of these in your system you will heal faster and likely have less complications resulting from a scar.
Selenium and silicon help too, but zinc and vitamin are the best if you don’t want to take too many. Selenium is great for strengthening membranes and silicon helps overall skin health. One reason it’s good as a cream or strip too.
You can always take a multivitamin/mineral with plenty of these in instead of taking them separately if that’s easier. It’s important they are from a good quality supplement which uses food or natural source ingredients so your body can absorb them easily. These should say on the packet but some good brands include terra nova, solgar, alive, higher nature and nature’s aid. (Not an exhaustive list)

Scar massage treatments available in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire and Oxford, Oxfordshire.
Accessible from Bedford, Biggleswade, Ampthill, Cambridge, Huntingdon, St Neots,
Milton Keynes, Woburn, Hitchin, Letchworth, Stevenage, Royston, Cambridgeshire,
Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Luton, Hemel Hempstead, St Albans, Hatfield,
Welwyn, Harpenden, Leighton Buzzard, Aylesbury
Oxford, Bicester, Banbury, Witney, Abingdon, Didcot, Wantage, Newbury,
Swindon, Reading, Thatcham, Wallingford, Wheatley, Thame, Lambourn, Burford,
Chipping Norton, Cotswolds, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire,
Gloucestershire, Hampshire.