Endometriosis – what actually helps?

A lot of people with endometriosis are told that there’s nothing they can do to help their symptoms other than surgery but in reality, there’s lots of things that can be done that have been tried and tested and work great! Abdominal Massage Studies have shown that abdominal massage makes a huge difference to endometriosis. …

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How to get rid of Sugar Cravings

Balancing your blood sugar is the best way to tackle sugar cravings. Got a sweet tooth? Sorry but that’ll actually be a sugar addiction. When you’re in a cycle of too much sugar this leaves you with not enough chromium and no way to balance your blood sugar. Your blood sugar spikes and drops quicker …

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Endo First Aid Kit

Endometriosis is a very debilitating, chronic condition. It’s estimated around 10% of women have it which is huge number. The endometrial cells normally found in the womb grow in the abdominal cavity and bleed. It causes pain, digestive problems, inflammation and fertility issues amongst other things. Luckily there are some things you can do at …

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Reducing Inflammation

When your tissues are inflamed your healing ability is drastically reduced. Your body has amazing self-healing powers when it’s given the right environment. Reducing inflammation is a really important factor for this. If things are inflamed the benefits of any other healing work you are doing will be limited. This means reducing inflammtion is a …

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