Diverticulitis – how can you help your symptoms?

Diverticulitis can be a very painful and uncomfortable digestive condition. Pouches form in the gut and start to cause problems. It’s common for most people to have some pouches of hard to digest food form in the gut (diverticular). It may be hard to digest because it’s a food your body struggles with, you’re a …

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How to get your gut healthy

If you’re struggling with your digestion – maybe your getting bloated, your digestion is sluggish or you’re feeling uncomfortable – then making sure your gut biome is balanced is a great place to start. The bacteria in your gut also plays an important role in your immune system. If you’re getting ill a lot, especially with …

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How to Help Your Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cysts are quite common. You might have one and not know about it, especially if it’s small. The larger they are, the more likely you are to have symptoms. If your cyst is giving you trouble you might have some pain, perhaps more around ovulation or during sex. Sometimes if the cyst is pressing …

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How To Help Constipation

If you suffer with constipation then you’ll know how uncomfortable it can be to live with. It can involve hours of discomfort or even pain sat on the toilet. It can also lead to other digestive issues and hemorrhoids. Often people mistakenly go for extra fibre to help get things moving. Fibre is great for …

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Helping constipation in kids without laxatives

Sometimes as children start potty training (or later on) families notice their children are struggling to regularly go to the toilet. Sometimes they go days without going, leaving them extremely uncomfortable, bloated and often unhappy. Constipation in kids can be really difficult to deal with. As a parent as you want to help but may …

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Love your liver – liver health and detox tips

The liver is often overlooked but it is one of the most important organs in the body, multi-tasking over 500 vital jobs to keep you going. The healthier your liver is the better you will feel. Keeping your liver healthy can have a whole host of positive side effects. A detox (boosting your liver, properly …

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Gall Bladder Removal – Recovery Help

Gall bladder removal to get rid of gall stones is a common surgery. Whilst the surgery gets rid of the gall stone issue, people can still experience discomfort or worsening digestive issues. Sometimes a bit of extra help after surgery is needed to avoid this or improve and treat the symptoms. If you are experiencing …

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IBS – How can you improve your symptoms?

IBS is a huge problem for many people. It’s very disruptive and can have a really negative impact on a person’s life. Always having to know where the nearest toilet is or be extra careful about what you are eating is exhausting as are the symptoms themselves, which can cause daily pain and discomfort. Luckily …

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Prolapse – help, treatment and techniques to improve prolapses naturally

Prolapses are something that most commonly happen to women after childbirth or during/afer menopause as the muslces lose some strength. They can unfortunately be very debilitating, mess with your sex-life and impact self-esteem. A lot of women are too embarrassed to talk about their prolapse but they are actually quite common. The good news is …

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EFT (emotional freedom technique – A.K.A the tapping technique) Giving you the controls for reprogramming your brain. Do you have limiting beliefs/trauma/anxiety/fear holding you back from doing something you want or being the best version of yourself? EFT can help. Working with you on your subconscious using a language it understands. Tapping combined with visuals …

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