Endometriosis – what actually helps?

A lot of people with endometriosis are told that there’s nothing they can do to help their symptoms other than surgery but in reality, there’s lots of things that can be done that have been tried and tested and work great! Abdominal Massage Studies have shown that abdominal massage makes a huge difference to endometriosis. …

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Endo First Aid Kit

Endometriosis is a very debilitating, chronic condition. It’s estimated around 10% of women have it which is huge number. The endometrial cells normally found in the womb grow in the abdominal cavity and bleed. It causes pain, digestive problems, inflammation and fertility issues amongst other things. Luckily there are some things you can do at …

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What can you do to help fibroids?

Fibroids are benign growths that can form in and around the womb. They are very common and many people may not realise they have them. As they grow though they can start to cause problems. Heavy and painful periods are a really common symptom. This can also lead to iron deficiency which really effects energy …

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Balance Your Hormones

Hormonal issues can cause all kinds of problems. Mood swings, sleep issues and mental health issues can often be made worse or caused by hormone imbalances. Many gynae issues such as PCOS, fibroids, cysts, fertility issues and endometriosis all require balanced hormones to give your body a chance to deal with them. Too much oestrogen …

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Do you want less period pain?

Do you suffer with bad period pain? Painful periods can be very debilitating but there are some basic things you can do that make a huge difference. It’s nice to have some alternatives to just going on the pill. It’s also good to be aware that if your period pain is severe, it could be …

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How to Help Your Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cysts are quite common. You might have one and not know about it, especially if it’s small. The larger they are, the more likely you are to have symptoms. If your cyst is giving you trouble you might have some pain, perhaps more around ovulation or during sex. Sometimes if the cyst is pressing …

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Prolapse – help, treatment and techniques to improve prolapses naturally

Prolapses are something that most commonly happen to women after childbirth or during/afer menopause as the muslces lose some strength. They can unfortunately be very debilitating, mess with your sex-life and impact self-esteem. A lot of women are too embarrassed to talk about their prolapse but they are actually quite common. The good news is …

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