Do you suffer with bad period pain? Painful periods can be very debilitating but there are some basic things you can do that make a huge difference. It’s nice to have some alternatives to just going on the pill. It’s also good to be aware that if your period pain is severe, it could be from undiagnosed endometriosis. Oestrogen encourages endometrial growth so if you want some medicinal help a progesterone only contraceptive might be a better option. In the meantime, there are still things you can do to improve period pain (even if it’s endo). So there’s good news – you don’t just have to live with it.

Magnesium and calcium
Everyone’s uterus is doing the same thing during a period – contracting to release the womb lining. So why do some people get bad period pain and others don’t? Cramping is often the result of not enough magnesium, calcium or both. The uric acid crystals build up in the muscle if there’s not enough of the right nutrients to help clear them and this causes pain. If you’re low on magnesium for example, then contractions can result in very painful cramps. Calcium deficiency doesn’t help either. Taking food or natural source supplements for a couple of months can make a big difference.
Abdominal Massage
If the area around your womb is tense, if your womb is not in an ideal position or if you have issues such as blockages or inflammation in your lower digestive tract all of these can make period pain worse. Luckily massage helps with all of these things. It releases tension, improves circulation which helps healing and inflammation, and helps lift the womb into a better position. Abdominal massage is also great for helping improve digestion. This helps clear blockages and allows the area to heal so it is not aggravating things during your period.
You can also learn the massage in sessions to so you can work on yourself anytime you need to and speed up your healing process.
To book a session click here. For more information about how the massage can help you book a free discovery call here.

Castor oil pack
We all know heat is brilliant for period pain but castor oil packs can be even better, allowing the heat to penetrate deeper. Get and old flannel, cover it in castor oil (so it’s saturated not dripping – best to avoid mess), put this on your lower tummy, cover with cling film and put a hot water bottle or heat pack on the top. It’s a good idea to put an old towel down underneath as well – oil is a pain to get out if it drips. Then just relax for 30-60mins. You can do this throughout the month to boost circulation and healing in the area, not just around period time.

Treatments available in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire and Oxford, Oxfordshire.
Accessible from Bedford, Biggleswade, Ampthill, Cambridge, Huntingdon, St Neots,
Milton Keynes, Woburn, Hitchin, Letchworth, Stevenage, Royston, Cambridgeshire,
Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Luton, Hemel Hempstead, St Albans, Hatfield,
Welwyn, Harpenden, Leighton Buzzard, Aylesbury
Oxford, Bicester, Banbury, Witney, Abingdon, Didcot, Wantage, Newbury,
Swindon, Reading, Thatcham, Wallingford, Wheatley, Thame, Lambourn, Burford,
Chipping Norton, Cotswolds, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire,
Gloucestershire, Hampshire.