Endometriosis – what actually helps?

A lot of people with endometriosis are told that there’s nothing they can do to help their symptoms other than surgery but in reality, there’s lots of things that can be done that have been tried and tested and work great! Abdominal Massage Studies have shown that abdominal massage makes a huge difference to endometriosis. …

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Endo First Aid Kit

Endometriosis is a very debilitating, chronic condition. It’s estimated around 10% of women have it which is huge number. The endometrial cells normally found in the womb grow in the abdominal cavity and bleed. It causes pain, digestive problems, inflammation and fertility issues amongst other things. Luckily there are some things you can do at …

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Do you want less period pain?

Do you suffer with bad period pain? Painful periods can be very debilitating but there are some basic things you can do that make a huge difference. It’s nice to have some alternatives to just going on the pill. It’s also good to be aware that if your period pain is severe, it could be …

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